This may be due to a blow to the head or body that leads to the rapid development of neurological impairment that does not last long and resolves of its own accord. 5 The Concussion in Sport Group (CISG) 6 defines concussion as a ‘complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by traumatic biomechanical forces’. The operational definition of concussion as the ‘immediate and transient symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury’ but this has drawn criticism due to a lack of accuracy. 3 In sport, where there is more evidence, incidence is highest in rugby and ice hockey. 2 Another study reports that around 100 000 patients per year present to the ED in just the 8–19 age group in America. 1 Evidence in the UK is lacking, but the presentations of concussion to the ED in America has been estimated to be over 150 000 annually.
Concussion is one of the complications of a head injury, a common presentation to the emergency department (ED).